Promoting microwave oven due to high efficiency It gradually entered thousands of families,Concerned by consumers,Use,I believe that many people know how to use it.,I believe that many people don't know the misunderstanding of microwaves.。then,Please follow the editor's footsteps,Understand the misunderstanding of microwave ovens and daily maintenance of microwave ovens。
Misunderstanding using a microwave
Maybe you are accustomed to adding packaging foods and plastic lunch boxes into microwaves heating。This is absolutely necessary。Since the plastic container is deformed during heating,And release of toxic substance pollution food,If this is Will lead to cancer。
Still pay attention,Needly, metal containers are not recommended,Spark is generated due to heating in the microwave oven,It will not only damage the furnace,It will also cause explosion。We should heat food with special microwave ovens,And do not cover the container cover during the heating process,The heat generated by heating the food in a closed container is not easy to distribute,Make the pressure in the container too high,It is easy to cause explosion accidents。Avoid heating food in metal or plastic containers。
first of all,Misunderstanding of heating time
People often put food into microwave melts or heaters,Sometimes I forgot to take it out to release it takes a few hours.。If you forget to take it out3For a while,It is best to lose it,To avoid food poisoning。In addition, Food that is too long after heating time is faster and easy to dry。In addition to the difference in flavor Nutritional value will be greatly reduced。The heating time should not be too long。
second,Misunderstanding when freezing or heating
Place half-cooked meat to heat it to completely familiarity。Although the cooking time can be shortened,but,Semi-cooked food still breed bacteria,When I use a microwave in a microwave, if the time is too short,It is impossible to kill all bacteria.。under these circumstances,You can use microwave oven to thaw frozen meat,Then heaten to cooked food,then,You can rest assured。Be careful when heating or defrosting food in a microwave oven。
Daily maintenance of microwave ovens
the first, When using a microwave Temperature and time should be adjusted according to specific food。Don't just use it blindly,This will not heat food very well,It is not suitable for microwave we must use it according to the function prompts on the microwave.。
second, After using the microwave, we want to turn off the power as soon as possible.,Because the microwave ovens consume more power,Power is also higher than the price,If you always turn on the power,Will damage the electronic components of the microwave oven,This will also spend a lot of electricity。
third, Microwave oven should be wiped and cleaned regularly。Due to microwave ovens often processed food,Do not Exempt Exempt stay on,If you don't clean up for a long time,It will breed some bacteria that it has a great impact on our diet health.。
fourth, After using a microwave in a long time,then,There will be some odor in the microwave cavity,at this time, You can use lemon Vinegar and water heaters in microwave ovens。Until boiling this can quickly eliminate odors。
fifth, Everyone should be careful not to close the microwave of the microwave immediately after using the microwave oven.。Because this will make it difficult to dissipate the odor in the microwave,Will affect the taste of the food during heating,therefore, It is recommended that you open the microwave door for five minutes after use.。
sixth, After cleaning the microwave,There will be some moisture inevitably,You can use dry face and then put the microwave oven in a ventilated place to wait for it to completely dry and then use this.。
seventh, Microwave oven is best to use separate power outlets。Due to the relatively 易彤破壁机修理high power of the microwave oven during use,If other electrical appliances are also inserted together,Easy to fire,This is not rare in the news.,Everyone must pay attention。
After reading the article on misunderstanding of microwaves and daily maintenance of microwave ovens, Do you have a certain understanding of this??I hope to help you.。