Students who have higher requirements for sound quality more willing to buy expensive headphones。In addition, The skew and distortion of the headphones are unbearable.。Sometimes I spend thousands of dollars to 易彤破壁料理机维修 buy a headset and use it for a long time., But find it no original sound quality。Do not complain that the quality may be poor at this time.。You are very likely that there is no maintenance of headphones and is not properly kept.。then,The following headset enthusiasts will understand the maintenance knowledge of headphones and how to use editor maintenance headphones.!
1。 headsetcommon sense
You shouldHeadphone storageClean place, Dry area if you can,Pack or bag。the same,The area where the headphones are stored also needs to maintain the temperature of the substance.,It should not be too high or too low。If the headset can be folded,You should follow official guidance,Reduce wear when not in use。
2。Using headphones
Protecting headphones very important when using headphones。Even certain basic protection measures will also affect the life of the headphones.。E.g, Avoid using high temperature or low temperatures,Do not pull the headphone cable directly to pull out the plug。please remember,Headphones are not as durable as you think。
If your headphones are valuable,Then you should pay special attention to protection。Headphones should avoid contact with liquid or high humidity,Because this affects sensitive electronic components in headphones。It is worth noting that,You should try to choose the earplug that best suits the ear size,Try to minimize extrusion and push。
3。Headphone cleaning
One。When cleaning the headset,A soft cloth,It's enough to add some soaps with a little hot water.。But pay attention to water and soap。You should try to avoid water or soap liquids into the headphones。
B.If it is a groove that cannot be encountered with a clean soft cloth,Dry toothbrush can help a lot。Regionally stubborn area,You can use a cotton swab or a toothpick to clean。
C。As for the earphone cable,Just wipe regularly after all, This part of the cleaning is much more simple.。But for headphone plugs,You still need special attention to prevent future contact。
D.Special way to wear headphones,Direct contact with the ear can inevitably produce bacteria,If you don't clean your warth or other dirt in time,This is likely to harm your health。
E.Headset cleaning,According to the material of the earmuff and headband,Different cleaning methods should be used。Made from artificial leather,It is recommended to use a soft cloth with clear water to sweat.。 Cloth and velvet earmuffs are very dirty。Please follow the instructions in the manual,Carefully take the earmuff,Dilute a small amount of detergent with water,Soak the earmuff for a while,Wash water。
second, How to maintain headphones
1。If the volume is too large, The voice circle of the headphones will burn bad,therefore, Take the volume of the headset before use。Then adjust the volume properly。
2。Do not wear headphones when you sleep。Because wearing headphones when you sleep, it is easy to crush it.。
3。Not only the headset is for all headphones,The headphone cable is easy to damage,Must minimize hard bendings(Criticize fish bone winding machine),therefore,Make a headphock stand,Or just hang the headphones on the light or other things,Let the earphone wire naturally sag,Both are good ways to prevent damage to headphones。
4。Human secreted grease will accelerate the aging of leather,After using the headset,Please wipe off the sweat on the leather,To prevent aging。When wearing headphones, try not to let the wire touch the skin directly.,This will be more comfortable., Can avoid the effect of sweat on wire。
5,Coatings on the earphone housing are easily soluble in organic chemicals,therefore,Headphones must stay away from chemicals。
6。It is best to burn your phone when you purchase a new headset.。usually,Music is not ringing,To avoid damage to the headset diaphragm。
7。Winter is very cold wire hard,Excessive bending will easily break the wire。But don't heating the ear machine at this time.。High temperature will accelerate the aging of the wire。
8。The most vulnerable part of the earphones is not a wire。Is the plug is a plug is a plug.。Do not throw it when plugging。
9。Magnetic properties will weaken the internal components of the headphones,Sensitivity reduces over time,This reduces the sound quality of the headset。The strong magnetic field will destroy and distort the magnetic field of the headset.。therefore,Headphones should stay away from strong magnets。
10。Headphones should stay away from moisture,If the headset is wet,The mat of the headphones unit will rust,Resistance increases your headphones。
Better protection of headphones is not so difficult,This will not take up you too much time,But the long-term impact of it brings is obvious。So after reading this article, we may wish to pay more attention to the protection of headphones during the future.。and also, Please take a rest after using your headphones for a long time.。One is for your ears,Do not be too tired。 second, It is easy to burn out after the earphone is running for a long time.。