Integrated stoves have been slowly penetrated into each family,Available in more and more consumers,I feel very practical,It also saves space,But everything has advantages and disadvantages,If the cleaning is difficult to effectively separate the smoke,Low heat efficiency,The type of pots used to easily accumulate,Unable to achieve high temperature disinfection,Produce toxic exhaust gas, etc.。
Clean smoke for integrated cookers,Some parts are very convenient to clean,However, some parts are difficult to clean the cigarette in the flat oil plate.。The flavor is surrounded around the furnace and shaft。Vegetable residue。Cleaning is a big project。So here I want to give you some cleaning stove skills。
Cleaning the skills of integrated stove
Before the first use,Open smoking room(Oil network)panel,Some degreasing cleaners inside,Detergent Amway removal Mr。 Powerful Wait for some cleaners with corrosive,Try spraying before pumping out of the smoke,Don't get early。The principle is to apply a protective film in the new pipeline of the new machine.,In the future, oil will not stick to it.。Slowing more often flowing into the tank。
Every two weeks in daily maintenance(Monthly)Perform daily maintenance,The method is to boil and open the oil network.,Spray the degreasing cleaner,Using the residual temperature after cooking,wait2Minutel grease,Then open the air block shaking dissolved oil to the tank。
Open the ventilation after cooking(Smoke)Features,5-10Minutes in the kitchen,Keep kitchen hygiene。pay attention:Black Teflon non-stick oil network Do not use steel ball brush。Semi-dry dish with dishwashing(Unpleasant)。
Cleaning the skills of integrated stove
Wipe clean with a soft cloth with a neutral cleaner after each use,Keep machine appearance cleaning,Do not use metal cleaning ball; The stove should be regularly maintained,Don't forget regular cleaning tank。
How?Read the above,Do you benefit from it??Never have to worry about cleaning the integrated cooker and damage the integrated cookware。Understand these cleaning skills,Let your integrated stove to keep bright as new!