consumer:One-time 易彤料理机售后 use feel cleaner
Disposable chopsticks in a fast food store chopsticks with a thin white plastic paper。It is said above the red font:UV disinfection,Fully automatic packaging。in this regard,Mr. Customer Lee disadvantages:“Such cheap chopsticks,How to disinfect?I can't use“Mr。 Li's wife said:“I think disposable 易彤沙冰机修理 chopsticks is still more clean。At least no one has used it,Easy to infect disease with hepatitis A and hepatitis B。”
(experiment:All disposable chopsticks are sour)
will3Disposable chopsticks cut into small pieces,Place them in a loading to50Division of distilled water in the conical flask。10After a minute,The water in three conical flasks becomes yellow。Professor Ma picked uppHTest strip,Found chopstickspHvalue 1number 3All5。No.ofpHvalue 2Root chopsticks3Until4between。Severe acidity next waterpHValue6。
Experiment to the end,Experts are also very surprised。“Disposable chopsticks is acidic,This is due to residual sulfur dioxide dissolution in water,Sulfur dioxide is a gas generated when using sulfur 易彤破壁机售后电话 fumigation.。Obvious,It is not cleaned at the factory。”
How to identify expired chopsticks
1。 smell it,If there is obvious sour taste on chopsticks,All of all pollution or expired signs。
2。 Chopsticks seem to be wet curved deformation indicates that moist or placement time is too long.。
3。 Spots and even black spots on chopsticks,Indicates that chopsticks may be moldy。
It is best not to use the following4Circumstances
1。 Spots on the surface。Use such chopsticks may induce a variety of diseases,over time, Even risk of cancer。
2。 Smell。If you smell the pungent sour,May smell sulfur。
3。 After heating,Chopsticks whitening or yellowing。In order to make chopsticks look cleaner,Many holiday will treat chopsticks with sulfur or hydrogen peroxide。